06 March 2025
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Wines: Bulls, Stars

#ARTICLE_DATE_LETREHOZVA#: 26 March 2013  |  Created: 02 April 2019

Several works of Hungarian literature has been written in honour of the wines of Eger.

The vineyards, wine estates on the slopes of the hills surrounding Eger prove that viniculture and viticulture has longlasting traditions in Eger and the neighbouring regions. The excellent facilities make it possible that the devoted winemakers create outstanding wines. A long list of medals, awards, titles could be mentioned. The most famous wine of the region, Egri Bikavér (Bull's Blood of Eger) is made by the strictest quality regulations.As the legend says, the heroes of Eger defending the castle drank red wine, therefore the resolute warriors were thought to drink the blood of the bull, hence their strength is from. A nice companion of Bull's Blood is Egri Csillag (Star of Eger) born not too long ago.

There are programmes organised in honour of both wines: Egri Csillag (Star of Eger) Festival is in spring, while Bikavér (Bull's Blood) Festival awaits guests in the middle of summer.

Those having no chance to get to either programme can taste outstanding wines in the  cellars of the town. More than one hundred cellars are waiting for guests in Szépasszony Valley (Valley of the Beautiful Woman). Márai visitors centre is being built here to offer even more programmes for the citizens and visitors.








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