06 March 2025
Sister-town connections
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The town is being renewed
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The town is being renewed

#ARTICLE_DATE_LETREHOZVA#: 26 March 2013  |  Created: 02 April 2019

It is important for Eger to preserve its values, therefore a large scale reconstruction is going on in the city centre the aim of which is to create modern, attractive spaces, yet matching the traditions.

Near Végvári Vitézek (Defenders of the Border) square the bank of Eger stream and its direct vicinity will be formed to be a community space. The square descending as far as the water due to its terraced construction will be a worthy home of the Defenders of the Border  monument. Dobó square will be given a new surface, and is going to have a double function: it will serve locals and tourism of the town as a ceremonial square and scene of various programmes. Minorite church, one of the most beautiful churches of Europe is also being renovated. The ruins of Turkish Valide Sultana steam bath can also be visited thanks to a special protecting roof.

A new walking bridge is being built cross Eger stream, the bicycle path starting from the market will run in the riverbed as far as Esperanto promenade.

An  impressive building of Dobó square is Townhall, the interiour facade of which will also be embellished.





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