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Traditions in Eger

#ARTICLE_DATE_LETREHOZVA#: 26 March 2013  |  Created: 02 April 2019

Fostering traditions in Eger is very important and one of the most important areas of it is folkmusic, folkdance.

We take pride in having lots of talents.  Album Pimasz (Impudent) by Kerekes Band was one of the top 10 world music albums in 2006. Csík band is one of the most popular and most loved folkart formations, the violinist of which Attila Szabó lives in Eger. The band got Kossuth-prize, the most prestigeous art award in 2013. Flóra Herczeg was discovered in a national talant scouting contest. She started as a folksong singer but now she sings in musicals and rockoperas and in her own band. Gajdos band having existed for 25 years promotes beauty and eternal values of Hungarian folkmusic. Dance-houses for children of Nyírettyűs and Tekergő bands  are very popular in the town. Ethnofil band was formed from young people of Eger, taking their audience into the world of Hungarian folkmusic, world music, ethno funk and jazz.

There are several groups working in the area of folkdance: László Lajtha Folkdance group, Egres Folkdance group, and Szederinda Folkdance group. This latter one organises a major international festival every year where dancers of several other nations are invited, too. The aim of another festival in  the Eger is to carry on with traditions: Kaláka Festival attracts thousands of people to the town.





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